Anderson Moores Saves Car Crash Cat Left In Critical Condition
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A young cat which suffered horrific head injuries after being struck by a car has made a remarkable recovery after emergency surgery at one of the UK’s leading animal hospitals.
Rosie, a one-year-old Maine Coon cross, was in a critical condition when she was admitted to Linnaeus-owned Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists (AMVS) in Winchester, Hampshire, where she needed five days of expert care and treatment.
She was unable to stand, unable to close her mouth, was bleeding profusely from her nose and mouth and was clearly in shock. Her respiratory rate was a rapid 108 breaths per minute and she needed urgent treatment.
Residency-trained surgery clinician, Matthew Eayrs, who initially took charge of Rosie’s care, said: “She’d been given pain relief and oxygen to help stabilise her but clearly needed further intensive management as well as diagnostic tests.
“After further stabilisation, we performed a CT scan of Rosie’s head, thorax and abdomen to check for internal injuries. It identified multiple, complex maxillofacial injuries. Blood tests also revealed that Rosie was anaemic.
“Our veterinary dentist Matthew Oxford took over Rosie’s management and she was anaesthetised to allow him to carry out extensive surgery to repair her facial injuries.”
The damage to Rosie’s head presented a difficult challenge for Matthew but the operation went well.
He said: “Rosie had a cleft palate repair and a wire and acrylic intra-oral splint needed to be placed on her upper and lower jaw for stabilisation. She also needed root canal treatment on a broken canine.
“Her jaw was then wired closed to allow the fractures to heal while an oesophageal feeding tube was placed so that Rosie could be fed.
“After five days in hospital, Rosie was able to be discharged and eight weeks after the accident, she returned to AMVS for a check-up and to have her splints removed under anaesthetic.
“Rosie has recovered well and I’m extremely pleased bearing in mind the severity of her injuries. She is now able to eat normally but she must remain on soft food for two months to allow maximum healing time for her jaw.
“She’s certainly had a tough couple of months but the good news is that Rosie will soon be back to normal.”
Delighted owner Alex Keep, from Dorking, Surrey, said: “The vets at Anderson Moores cared for Rosie incredibly well. They really worked miracles and I’d definitely recommend them.
“It was a very concerning time. I was called by the vets, who had traced me through Rosie’s microchip, to say she was in trouble.
“I was shocked as her prognosis was extremely poor but the vets did a brilliant job and I’m very grateful.”
Anderson Moores offers specialist led care in soft tissue surgery, orthopaedics, internal medicine, neurology, cardiology, oncology, diagnostic imaging, anaesthesia and dermatology.
For more information, visit or search for Anderson Mores Veterinary Specialists on social media.