Wear Successful In Complex Thorax Cases
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A leading veterinary specialist at one of the UK’s premier small animal hospitals had praised his talented team for the expert way in which they handled a recent run of complex cases.
Professor Jon Hall, head of the soft tissue service at Linnaeus-owned Wear Referrals in County Durham, says the team’s experience and expertise have been crucial in ensuring a successful outcome in a series of complicated thorax conditions.
Professor Hall, a Royal College and European specialist in small animal surgery, says Wear has enjoyed a tremendous succession of successful outcomes in extremely challenging cases.
He said: “‘The team here at Wear has excelled recently, managing some truly remarkable conditions.
“For instance, Maisie, a 12-week-old cocker spaniel, was rushed into the hospital with severe breathing difficulties.
“Internal medicine specialist Helen Titmarsh and Naomi Earley, a specialist in diagnostic imaging, promptly made the extremely rare and life-threatening diagnosis of congenital lobar emphysema.
“They acted decisively and quickly to save her life, with Maisie undergoing emergency surgery to remove her diseased right middle lung lobe.
“Only the week before, Helen and Anna Cronin, a specialist in small animal surgery, successfully performed emergency resuscitation with the anaesthesia and critical care team on a kitten called Sabien.
“He was suffering with pyothorax and herniation of his liver into his chest, a pleuroperitoneal diaphragmatic hernia.
“In order to allow him to breathe and relieve compression on his heart, he had an open chest surgery whilst having heart compressions and repair of his diaphragm.
“Anna had only just discharged a dog called Chester from which she had removed a stick that had gone through the chest wall, punctured a lung lobe and bounced off the heart.
“There was also the case of Hurley, a 14-week-old puppy with rapidly worsening breathing difficulties because his stomach had herniated into his chest and was inflating, stopping him from being able to expand his lungs.
“This was quickly recognised on the primary care practice radiographs and he was sent to see us immediately.
“His heart stopped on arrival but we able to resuscitate him, replace his hugely dilated stomach into his abdomen and send him home the following day.
“It really is fantastic to work with so many experts in multiple areas of veterinary medicine.
“It simply wouldn’t be possible to manage such complex problems without everyone’s contribution, including the skilled primary care vets quickly referring critically ill pets to us for specialist care.”
Anna added: “It’s definitely been an extremely busy period at Wear for emergency thoracic procedures.
“It’s challenging work but incredibly rewarding to intervene and see these animals go home fit and well after having come in with such serious problems.
“We are able to see major emergencies quickly and offer a multi-service approach with specialist-led diagnosis and treatment.
“We are all so proud to be part of this truly multi-disciplinary service, delivered by our team of expert highly qualified specialists, nurses and support staff at our state-of-the-art animal hospital.”
Wear specialises in providing expert multidisciplinary care, including anaesthesia, cardiology, diagnostic imaging, intensive care, internal medicine, neurology, OOH emergency and critical care, oncology, orthopaedics and soft tissue.
For more information on Wear Referrals, which is part of Linnaeus, visit www.wear-referrals.co.uk or search for Wear Referrals on social media.