Miraculous Mo's Remarkable Recovery Thanks To My Vet
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A leading veterinary centre in Dublin has saved the life of a seriously ill dog whose uterus was so infected that it was at risk of rupturing at any time.
Miraculous Mo, a 12-year-old Jack Russell, underwent an emergency operation at the Linnaeus-owned My Vet clinic in Firhouse, Dublin 24, and has since made a remarkable recovery.
Vet Gillian Johnston, who handled the dramatic case, says she feared Mo might not survive the ordeal as the terrier was so sick, weak, underweight and dehydrated.
Gillian explained: “Mo was brought to our Firhouse clinic as she had been feeling very unwell for a couple of weeks. She wouldn’t eat any food, was lethargic, underweight and very dehydrated.
“Blood tests showed she had a very high number of white blood cells while an ultrasound examination confirmed that her uterus was full of infectious fluid.
“It was clearly a serious case of pyometra (an infection in the uterus) and I needed to act quickly.
“Mo’s uterus was so full of fluid there was a risk it would burst and cause massive infection in her abdomen.
“I was also worried about Mo’s ability to withstand surgery and her chances of making a successful recovery.
“She had been so unwell and was so dehydrated I had to ensure she had plenty of fluids and antibiotics before she was anaesthetised and during the emergency surgery in order to boost her chances of surviving the operation and then recovering afterwards.
“Surgery took just over an hour and I successfully managed to remove her infected uterus before it could rupture but Mo was still at risk and still needed further intravenous fluids, antibiotics and pain relief after her surgery.
“Our nursing team then took over and kept her under close observation. They gave her lots of TLC over the next couple of days and finally tempted her to eat.
“Mo’s improvement was impressive. She was like a new lady just a day or two after her surgery and we could see her starting to interact and appreciate cuddles again.
“She was a fantastic patient and looked very cute in her medical vest while recovering from her surgery.
The whole clinic got to know her and took turns hand feeding her chicken, which seemed to be her favorite.
“We’ve all loved seeing her for her post-operative checks and we’re delighted that she is now doing really well and is back to herself.”
Founded in 2005, My Vet is a family practice employing more than 50 staff across its three sites in Firhouse, Lucan and Maynooth. For more information, visit www.myvet.ie.